The LVM GEO team has developed the LVM GEO Toolkit for ArcGIS for various geospatial data processing needs and made available in an installation for any ArcGIS user.
LVM GEO Toolkit for ArcGIS contains the following tools:
- Intersect area calculator - supports automatic area calculations that can be configured by the user
- Copy connected attribute information - copies attribute information from one layer to another based on a common attribute
- Copy nearest element connected attribute - copies attribute information from one layer to another based on a spatial connection (nearest element)
- Copy spatially connected attribute - copies attribute information from one layer to another based on a spatial connection (overlapping of geometries with user defined percentage)
- Copy spatially connected attribute (reverse) - copies attribute information from one layer to another based on a spatial connection (overlapping of geometries with user defined percentage) in reverse
- Do preconfigured copy task - executes most common copy operations configured by the user
- Create lines from points - creates line objects from input point objects based on criteria defined by the user
- Validate table records - validates table records according to user defined validation criteria
- Generate NA turns from points - provides turn layer generation from input point and line layers for Network Analyst turn feature layer
- Validate MXD - checks if MXD project doesn't contain incorrect layer configurations
- Calculate point angle by line - does point layer rotation angle calculation based on the nearest input line object configuration relative to the point
- Spatially summarize attribute - summarizes overlapping feature attributes
- Split line by point - splits line objects in parts where input point features or user defined buffer zones of points overlap these lines
More detailed information about these tools, parameter descriptions and configuration examples can be found in the "Description" section of ArcCatalog after the installation of the toolbox.